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Коррекционно-развивающие занятия
«Буду говорить»
Для детей 2,5 - 3 лет. Цель занятий — запуск речи.
Для детей 3 - 3,5 лет. Занятия проходят с нейропсихологом.
«Хочу все знать»
We create landing pages for products and services, simple and effective, mobile-friendly.
Индивидуальные занятия
Tell about the core of the service and upload an atmospheric photo to attract your clients.
Tell about the core of the service and upload an atmospheric photo to attract your clients.
We create landing pages for products and services, simple and effective, mobile-friendly.
Сенсорная интеграция
We create landing pages for products and services, simple and effective, mobile-friendly.
Групповые кружки
Подготовка к школе
для детей 5-6 и 6-7 лет
Tell about the core of the service and upload an atmospheric photo to attract your clients.
We create landing pages for products and services, simple and effective, mobile-friendly.
театральная студия
«Дома без домашки»
We create landing pages for products and services, simple and effective, mobile-friendly.
«Маленькие инженеры»
We create landing pages for products and services, simple and effective, mobile-friendly.
We create landing pages for products and services, simple and effective, mobile-friendly.
«Выходные с пользой»
We create landing pages for products and services, simple and effective, mobile-friendly.